An ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: AfricaCWIC 2024

AfricaCWIC: Doctoral Consortium

The 1st ACM-W Africa CWIC presents a Doctoral Consortium to be held virtually on May 11 – 12, 2022. The Doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students studying computing science and engineering to explore and hone their research knowledge, skills and competence in a congenial environment in a community of senior researchers in the field.

The Consortium provides guidance to critical analysis of issues from different research and industrial perspectives. It will include formal presentations, panels in break-out rooms for students to interact with teachers, researchers, policy regulators and with their peers from other universities, and receives feedback on the research work and presentation skills. The consortium will allow participants to be attached to a mentor in Academics or Industry who indicates interest in the research work for subsequent guidance.

Present to others, listen to others, share ideas.

Objective of the ACM-W Africa 2022 Doctoral Consortium

The primary objective of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide opportunities for Doctoral students in Computing different Universities  to improve the quality of their research works through presentations and discussions to colleagues and senior researchers in the field.  

Succinctly, the ACM-W Africa 2022 aim to:

  1. provide a community platform for doctoral students to present and receive inputs on their doctoral research.
  2. offer doctoral students new insights and perspectives on their work from researchers and other students outside their own institution.
  3. support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
  4. foster the institution of the scientific community/network in computing science and engineering.


The following areas are considered:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Big data Analytics
  3. Business Intelligence
  4. Cyber Security
  5. IoT
  6. Girl-child Education
  7. Bioinformatics
  8. Quantum computing

Criteria for Participation

A participant must:

  1. be either a Male of Female (ACM member or non-member),
  2. be enrolled in a Ph.D program in computing,
  3. have passed through the proposal stage and on the methodology design/implementation or Final stage,


Some of the benefits include:

  1. Participants have opportunity to be mentored
  2. Award to Best Presenter
  3. Full membership complimentary

Submission format

  1. Extended Abstract is a full paged A4 sized document, comprising of short description of all relevant aspects as described in no. 3 but shorter than the full paper.
  2. Anonymized Abstract; only the title should be on the header page
  3. Full paper should not be more than five pages. (after Acceptance of Extended Abstract)
  • Abstract of approximately 150 words;
  • A brief Background/Literature Review of key works that frame your research;
  • Context and Motivation that drive your dissertation research;
  • Problem Statement;
  • Research Goals;
  • Research Methods/Design;
  • current and expected Contributions;
  • References.

4. At the header and on first slide are the title, the Student’s name, University and Names of Supervisors and corresponding email addresses (for full paper submission)
5. Presentation slides should be concise

Doctoral Consortium Review Process

The Doctoral Consortium Review Committee will review and consider the quality of every paper and communicate acceptance to authors of papers within the scope of ACM-W Africa CWIC Doctoral Consortium.  Authors of accepted papers will receive instructions on how to submit publication-ready copy and will also receive information about preparing presentation slides. All accepted papers will have equal opportunity to be selected for prize awards.

Diversity of students, institutions, research areas, backgrounds and topics will form critical considerations in ensuring broad based participation.

It is expected that authors of accepted papers will show commitment by participating fully in all aspects of the Doctoral Consortium. Participants will be expected to contribute towards refining and improving the quality of other participants’ presentations. Participants are expected to accept or note these contributions for further consideration.

Please contact Consortium Chairs ( for any further information:

Prof. Adebayo Adekoya | University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, GHANA
Prof. ‘Bukola Onashoga | Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun NIGERIA

Visit this link for submission